Metal Check GmbH Germany applies for the accreditation according to EN ISO / IEC 17025 and therefore proves to be able to examine standards and professionalism.
Reliability through conformity assessment
The demands on the quality of goods and services are growing steadily as a result of the liberalization of world trade and the increasing demands of consumers, companies and legislators. Whether in the field of environmental protection, the food or electrical industry, health care or renewable energies, objective tests, calibrations, inspections or certifications are therefore of great importance in these as well as in many other economic sectors.
These evaluations ensure that the products, processes, services or systems that are verified are reliable with regard to their quality and safety, that they comply with a minimum technical standard and comply with the relevant standards, guidelines and laws. Therefore, these objective confirmations are also referred to as conformity assessment.
Trust through accreditation
Confidence in certificates, inspections, tests or calibrations, however, is and remains the responsibility of the person who performs the evaluation. Many of these so-called conformity assessment bodies therefore demonstrate the quality of their own work through accreditation
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(Economic beliefs)
In this case, they demonstrate, in contrast to an independent accreditation body, that they carry out their activities professionally competently, in accordance with legal and normative requirements, and on an internationally comparable level. The accreditation body assesses and monitors the management system and the competence of the personnel employed by the conformity assessment body.
Accreditations therefore contribute decisively to ensuring the comparability of conformity assessment results and to generate confidence in the quality and safety of products and services.